In a post-apocalyptic world, a rebellious seventeen girl goes against her lawful, censored society to see what's beyond the nighttime life once everyone is asleep.
I really enjoy the setting you you created in your logline and it seems like a really interesting plot line. I think the one thing that you could have included was what is it at stake, that is, what would happen if she were to get caught by the government or other antagonist. But it seems really interesting and i would be very willing to read the end product.
This is way too intense for me. Really dark themed. What is the antagonist though? Maybe you could use stronger adjectives.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy the setting you you created in your logline and it seems like a really interesting plot line. I think the one thing that you could have included was what is it at stake, that is, what would happen if she were to get caught by the government or other antagonist. But it seems really interesting and i would be very willing to read the end product.